Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tasty Tuesday: Hummingbird Bakery

My roommates mother did a terrible, awful, wonderful thing this week. She sent my roommate a box of 12 beautiful cupcakes from The Hummingbird Bakery, and these cupcakes are so darn stinking good that I just can't stop thinking about them. I thought I'd share the yumminess so that at least maybe I wont be the only one day dreaming such sweet dreams.

Check these out: Black Bottom Cupcakes - dark chocolate sponge cake with a cheesecake center and cream cheese frosting. 

Londoners - run, don't walk, to your nearest Hummingbird Bakery!

1 comment:

  1. At my internship in london there was a day where between the multiple print teams we recieved 2 boxes of hummingbird cupcakes in one day. That was the day I realized I not only had the best internship ever, but that I totally picked the right field. Why yes Evening Standard, you are totally fogiven for messing up that Morrison's ad.

    ps-miss yo face.
