Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Branch Water Tavern

Fortunately for my waistline and taste-buds, I have managed to rope a few recruits into my new Houston exploration adventure (read: my attempt to eat my way through the 4th largest city in the USA). So, on one of those unbelievably cold (for Houston, TX) days last month, Mom and I went on a foodie adventure to Branch Water Tavern in the Heights. 

The place was totally empty, and it was quite clear that the poor souls who had managed to make it to work with out sliding off the interstate that day were ecstatic to see other living creatures. Still, aside from learning that Houstonians refuse to leave the house when temperatures dip below 32 for fear of death-by-frostbite ... or something, I think I may have discovered a new potential favorite spot. 

I can totally imagine the place full and lively and humming with the deep drone of good conversation and clinking glasses. The dark green wallpaper and wood paneling make for a cozy atmosphere, and the leather banquettes ensure top notch rear-end comfort.   

Not to mention the tasty niblets...

Prosciutto wrapped arugula - 

To be fair, I think you could wrap anything with prosciutto and pour parmesan cheese on it, and I would declare it a culinary miracle, but this was really a lovely little bite. Plus, you get your greens in and it's totally painless! Kinda like when mom poured cheese on your broccoli as a kid...

Beet salad -

Honestly, I'm not really a beet fan, but Mom, who is, absolutely loved this salad. You'll have to take her word for it. I was at least able to appreciate it from an artistic standpoint. The salad was beautifully presented, and I never knew beets came in so many variations of red. 

Matzo ball soup - 

Being an absolutely freezing day, a nice warm soup course was in order. This matzo ball soup was perhaps the best I've ever had - much better than Kenny and Ziggy's, and if I had a matzo ball soup making Bubbe, it might even be better than hers.   

Apple pie a la mode - 

Who in their right mind could pass up any combination of apple, pie crust and ice cream? Certainly not Mom and me. One word - Heaven!

Just in case you didn't get it the first time - HEAVEN!