Friday, December 10, 2010

Fashion Friday: A Cautionary Tale

Last week, winter really hit London hard. It was absolutely freezing. There was enough snow on the ground to make walking a treacherous activity in anything except for ugly shoes with some heavy duty traction; and I was sick to death of being cold EVEN for the sake of fashion. Furthermore, I was just getting over a particularly debilitation cold which made me tired and grumpy (and apparently a bit senile as is evident by the previous sentence).

Anyway... with all these factors playing key roles in my wardrobe deciding game this particular morning, my main concerns were simple: comfort and warmth. To this end, I threw on some corduroys that were just a hair too baggy and a tad too long, an oversized t-shirt that didn't tuck in quite right and a sweater wrap that just didn't have quite enough structure to pull the whole thing together. On top of all that mess, I threw on my big, black, dirty (but fabulous) Hunter wellies (with the sock insert of course). I left the accessories out of the equation completely. Before anyone gets too horrified, I did at least manage to put on some mascara and blush before sloshing out the door, and I was sure to pack my cute shoes in my bag to put on once I made it through the snow drift. Still, it seems needless to say that I was not looking my best on this day, and here I am coming to the point of the story...

It is, of course, on this sloppy of all sloppy days that I run into my office crush. I'd been trying to catch his eye for months with impeccably cut dresses, impossibly high heels, and totally fabo accessories, and I'd all but given up hope that I would get a chance to reel him in. Well, here he was, making polite conversation in his beautiful suit while I looked like Farmer Brown's daughter on a trip to the big city.

Moral of the story folks: Even if its cold and nasty and awful outside and you just don't feel like getting dressed properly - do it! You never know who you may run into.

So, here is some outfit inspiration for looking great even when you just want to be warm and comfy:

1. I love this One Pocket Sweater from Chinti and Parker, and it comes in so many great colors (though I think the gray with navy pocket shown here is my fave). Now, I know I talked about Chinti and Parker last week, but I just can't get over this brand, and no post combining winter, comfy and cozy would be complete without a shout out to Chinti and Parker.

2. This outfit via The Sche Report is hot! I love the sweater dress look. It's so versatile. You can express your style in anyway with a sweater dress. I like how this take has a little bit of an edgy flair. Even on a day when you're feeling kinda frumpy, this outfit has the punch to pull you out of your slump - or at least keep you looking great even if you're not feelin' it. 

3. It took me a trip across The Pond to realize how great Top Shop is, but now there's no going back! I always find something fabulous in there, and the prices are so reasonable. This outfit just proves my point. I love that capes are in this year, and I'm totally digging the "Heeled Hiking Boot" look. I even bought a pair for myself!

4. Don't you just love this oversized sweater from Ami Dans La Rue via ShopBop? Plus, I'm totally digging her bling!

5. Another great look from ShopBop. I think the fur vest is brilliant (though I would have to go for an equally awesome faux version)

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