Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year

The season for resolutions has begun!

In the past, I have found the practice of New Years resolution-ing to be an unproductive, self-deprecating tradition rife with the sweet smell of hope and success, yet tinted with the stench of failure. 

Not to be a Debby-downer, but if most of America (if not the western world) is vowing to eat healthier, exercise more and lose weight yet again, how many of us can say that our resolutions to do the same last year and the year before and the year before were successful? It seems to me that if we are all still hoping to lose that 10 pounds, we have had to face the awful truth that we have failed to achieve our previous year's resolutions yet again. Certainly, facing up to that failure is a painful experience. A stale, sour experience which does not encourage the setting of further goals - the stuff of growth, self-confidence, and life. 

For the sake of our psyches, the strength of our self-confidence, the integrity of our word, and the hope for growth, it is time that we all sat down and resolved to keep our New Years resolutions - whatever they may be. 

Fortunately, this year there is a new tool in the resolution keeping tool box: a website called where users can enter into binding contracts with themselves to stick with their commitments. The creators of use the principles of behavior economics - namely that incentives get people to do things - to help people make goals and stick to them. After setting a goal, users vow to report to a referee (virtual or real) each week, and if the weekly goal is not met, users can arrange to fine themselves a specified sum sending the money to a person, charity or even an "anti-charity". The idea is that, the threat of losing money provides an incentive for people to stick with their goals. 

So this year, with StickK's support, I have jumped back on the resolution bandwagon, and I hope I can inspire some other's to do the same. Achieving goals is the spice of life, so let's all get out there and spice it up!

Happy New Year!

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