Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to be Two Places at Once

Its been non-stop since arriving at 7:30 AM on Sunday, but things are starting to slow down a tiny. Thank goodness. Now I have time to breathe again. I was starting to turn a little bit blue! Sunday was full of lots of arrival activities: walking tours, meetings, unpacking, roommate mingling and grocery shopping. Had a complete culture shock experience while trying to grocery shop. It never occurred to me that the brands would all be different or even that some of the things I'm used to eating wouldn't be available... I'm really going to crave Pita Chips by the time I make it home. Also, British grocery stores do NOT refrigerate their eggs! What's up with that? Anyway, Monday and Tuesday were full of "British 101"(as the staff calls them) lectures. I'm sure they were fascinating, but I could hardly stay awake what with the highly encouraged beer drinking excursions and my trying to adjust to the time change. Man, these English people drink a lot of beer!

Today was much more low key. We took a boat tour down the Thames and got to see some of the major sights from afar: Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, London Bridge etc. At the end of the tour we were dropped off in Greenwich and told to fend for ourselves.

Well, I like to blame it on the brain lethargy created due to the previous stated reasons, but I made no connection to the possible significance of said Greenwich. It could have been as special as Greenwich, CT for all I knew. It was just another new place to explore and an adventure in London. After a mediocre lunch at a cafe my friends and I spotted (I'm still not sure about the British cooking skills), my friends got sucked into the world of shopping which I decided to skip out on. Got to soak up this sun before it goes away!

Anyway, I decided to explore even if I had to do it alone. Now, because I am not completely dense, I noticed that an awful lot of people were meandering in the same direction, so I decided to see what was up. Low and behold, I came across a lovely building: the National Maritime Museum, but behind the museum was a rolling sea of lush green grass. I've never seen a park so big! A conspicuous hill sat to the right of this park, and atop said hill was an interesting looking building which seemed to be attracting a lot of attention.

(Later on, I spoke with a docent at the Queens House - now a museum - who told me that, if I were really rich, or married a really rich man, I could get married on this beautiful lawn. Better start saving...for the rest of me life...and my children's life)

Anyway, being the follower that I am, I decided to treck up the giant hill towards this building, and when I reached the top this is what I found:

Greenwich Mean Time!
I truly had no idea that THIS was the Greenwich we were going to. Oh dear. 


The Prime Meridian 
Standing in two places at once. 

All in all, a very successful day I would say. 
I'll leave you with this lovely image. 

1 comment:

  1. 1) Hannah, I love you. You're too cute. But you obviously did not stalk my facebook throughly enough last semester or you would have known about Greenwich. I forgive you, this adorable blog post makes up for it! haha

    2) I was super creeped out about the egg thing too and initially vowed to not eat eggs until i returned state side. Then I brought it up in class and found out that the english do refrigerate their eggs once they get them home. My lovely professor also pointed out that eggs don't pop out of chickens refrigerated. I felt silly, but she kinda had a point.

    3) Miss you! I'm so glad to see you're already having a great time. I wish I was there with you!
