Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Helping #1

For my first (documented) helping at the buffet table, I'm taking my last semester of college abroad - in London. 

Life has been a little bit of a whirlwind recently. After a busy busy summer at Boston University finishing up all my necessary requirements for my BA in psychology, I packed up and moved out of Bean Town. That was hardly ten days ago, and now I'm turning around and shipping out to London for four months on Saturday. No time for digesting on this buffet line! 

Until recently, I was pretty nervous about this whole trip and sad about the people I was leaving and events that I would be missing while away. Today was a bit of a turning point. I went out and bought myself a couple of guide books (I'm loving my Eyewitness Travel London book), and now I'm starting to feel downright excited about the whole thing. Good timing! I leave Saturday (August 28th).  

Stay tuned for more updates on my very exciting first helping! 


  1. I am sure Amanda told you but please, please, please buy the Not For Tourists London. It literally saved our lives dozens of times. That and the book you just mentioned are the only ones we needed.

  2. why are you soo freaking creative
